We did manage to go for a short walk last night however. There are two pictures from that walk. It started to flurry a little bit last night too. Just very small random pieces of snow, but then around 10 it started to snow pretty hard. The ground is covered now, the sidewalks and roads are clear, but the alleyways have a nice layer. It'll probably be gone soon though, snow rarely lasts in cities.
So last night we had some friends over from our program. It was nice to be able to talk to people in a relaxed environment; rather than our 15 minute break in intensive Czech. Everyone that came was real chill and it looks like it will be a good semester.
One of the girls that came had a Czech friend, so he came and brought 3 of his friends. They were about our age, and were really nice. They were all really into photography and had some pretty nice cameras. There is so much to take pictures of that I imagine much of Prague's youth enjoys photography.
Tonight is the Super Bowl! And while I'm excited for the game, we have classes tomorrow for the first time and I'm not looking forward to waking up early after a long night of watching the game. One flat is having some people over for a pregame get-together so we are going to head over there, but once everyone leaves for the pubs for the game I might leave. Or at least just watch the first half. Cards are going to win anyways...

hi Zach. Are you on Charles Bridge?