February 13, 2009

Where Czechs go to play smart and Americans go to feel something special

Yesterday our Prague, Vienna, and Budapest (hereafter called PVB) took us to the Cafe Louvre. This cafe is famous as being the place where intellectuals would gather to discuss such heady subjects as Physics, Philosophy, and all that garbage. The two big names are Franz Kafka and Albert Einstein. The former as a student at Prague University, and the latter as a professor.

Well let me tell you... the place has changed. I'm sure Franz Kafka would refuse to pay 38kc for a Coke. To be honest, he probably snorted his coke and had no idea you could even drink it. Heres an example of the extent of this place's selloutatude: the placemats are in Czech, German, and English. Not only just in English, in perfect English. Thats not something you find very often.

The atmosphere was intriguing. I didn't feel as though I was in a hall of great minds. I felt as though I was in a hall of fakes imitating great minds. View picture below.
It was hard to capture a great image, but you get the point. So our PVB prof made reservations for our twentysomething group, but the hitch was that we couldn't stay unless we got lunch. The menu was interesting, but in a higher price range than any of us would have liked. Many people opted for some of the cheapest things on the menu, the soups. We'll come back to the soup in a bit. I ordered sweet dumplings. It was cheap and different. It took some time for the food to be delivered, so in meantime we discussed lofty subjects (travel, food, and 5 minutes of Franz Kafka).

At last. Food. The waiter brings Emma a bowl of vegetable balls. There was two or three on the bottom of her plate. He then proceeds to pour boiling vegetable broth from a small pitcher. Really? Is that necessary?

Later that same day... Our Art, Architecture and Memory (hereafter referred to as AAM) professor met us in Old Town Square to escort us to a monastery that holds the National Gallery.

Our prof is pretty awesome. On Tuesday he lectured about Romanesque and Gothic art, now on Thursday we were viewing the images that we had discussed in class. Very cool. Pictures weren't allowed in the Gallery and the old ladies are like hawks in there, so I have no evidence to submit. Take my word for it though, there was some awesome stuff.

Fastforward... At 7:25pm Kendra, Annika, and I head out to go to Hush (the expats bar thats 5 minutes away from us). Our friend Stefaan was hosting a quiz night and somehow I got suckered into a team. Petr was absent so Kendra joined me, Zuzana (Petr's friend), and another girl who was friends with Zuzana. They had reserved a table right next to the bar. Annika joined a team that was short people. Not literally short people, but they didn't have enough.

Stefaan read the rules and we proceeded to have 5 rounds of 9 questions. Our team was pretty confident.

Yeap. We won. View picture below for evidence.

The dude next to us is Paco Hush, the owner of the bar/lounge. The things in our hands are: Becherovka aprons, tshirts, placemats, huge empty glass bottles, metal wall hangings, and a bottle of Becherovka Lemon. The stuff tastes disgusting, but whatever, a prize is a prize. Becherovka for those who don't know is a liquor created in the Czech Republic. It has something like 13 herbs in it. It tastes disgusting. Back in the good ole days it was believed to cure stomach aches, etc. Some people still think so, I think it causes them.

The tshirt is awesome. See below picture. We went to play celebratory foosball a cool bar not too far from home.

So that was my Thursday. Today we are going to check up on train tickets to Dresden. We are going to do a day trip on Saturday. We have a free weekend this weekend so everyone pretty much peaced. People are making plans for nearly every weekend, but to tell the truth, I like Prague. I don't mind traveling a couple times, but like our program people said, I would like to get to know this city better. Even if the people are grumpy old fogies, the sky is never bright, its snowing as we speak, Prague is a pretty boss city.

1 comment:

  1. Did you win all those bottles?? How old are old fogies? 32+
